
These are stories we have presented in the past.  See current posts on our home page!

What To Do About "Charlie"

My Edmonds News looks into the challenges of helping one person from the perspective of service providers, touching on issues of mental health, homelessness, equity, the need for more human services.

Lack of Housing Forces Homeless to Live In Cars

2020 CBS video story on “The Working Homeless”, with Safe Parking residents at Lake Washington United Methodist Church  (Also see their Safe Parking Brochure here)

Edmonds Budgets for Mental Health Outreach

My Edmonds News takes a deep look at how the city seeks to understand the sources and impacts of their homeless issues.  They provide data on the population and compare their efforts to neighboring communities.

King County Purchases Hotels for the Unsheltered

The MRSC supports communities with legal and policy guidance.  Here they comment on rental costs incurred during Covid-19 mitigation efforts and how local governments look to purchase hotels in a non-traditional approach.

Innerbay Tiny House Village Expands

The LIHI-sponsored Innerbay Village builds on past successes to serve the unsheltered in Seattle, planning 30 more units.  BHT Member Don F declares “A little bit of pressure from a lot of people can work!”

Portland Encampments Receive Sweep Ultimatums

Washington Post essay reveals the impacts of receiving 48 hours notice to clear out.

City of Burlington "First Step Center" Update

Skagit Valley Herald provides an update after 2nd week from the opening of their new village of small free-standing shelter units that house 20 people

Snohomish County Leaders On Affordable Housing

Economic Alliance of Snohomish County President and CEO Gary Clark meets with the Housing Authority Snohomish County and mayors Nicola Smith and Cassie Franklin to discuss the housing crisis and impacts

Olympia Volunteers Mass Produce Tiny Homes

KOMO News video story and article on the public-private partnership making 60 homes for the Downtown Mitigation Site

T2021 Legislative Successes

Accomplishments and advocacy participation are highlighted in this report from the Washington Low Income Housing Alliance

Tacoma to roll out pilot program that will bring hygiene stations to encampments

KOMO News City of Tacoma initiates Pilot Program for hygiene stations at tent encampments.

The Battle for Bellingham's Tiny Homes

Bellingham Chairman of “HomesNOW! Not Later”, Douglas Gustafson, blogs about current issues and challenges for Tiny Home villages and their residents. 

With eviction crisis looming, Pierce County tenants and landlords urged to talk it out

Eviction resolution Pilot Program for six counties, to be expanded statewide by 2023.  Pierce County may have as many as 5,000 renters impacted.